The Greatest Magazine - The Satisfaction Issue with Mountaga Diop and Jin Hu
The Greatest Magazine
Photo & Video ProduCtion
Directed & photographed by Jana Gerberding represented by Bird Production
Camera: Hannes Meier
Editor: Philipp Müller
Fashion Editor: Saskia Schmidt
Casting: Julie Sinios
Grooming: Ischrak Nitschke
Models: Mountaga Diop and Jin Hu
Digi Op: Jonas Reichert
Assistant: Jochen Wochele
Fashion Assistant: Guadi Sandoval
The Greatest Magazine - The Satisfaction Issue with Mountaga Diop and Jin Hu
The Greatest Magazine
Photo & Video ProduCtion
Directed & photographed by
Jana Gerberding
represented by
Bird Production
Camera: Hannes Meier
Editor: Philipp Müller
Fashion Editor: Saskia Schmidt
Casting: Julie Sinios
Grooming: Ischrak Nitschke
Models: Mountaga Diop
and Jin Hu
Digi Op: Jonas Reichert
Assistant: Jochen Wochele
Fashion Assistant: Guadi Sandoval